Watch George Harrison Explain The Purpose Of Life

Watch George Harrison Explain The Purpose Of Life | I Love Classic Rock Videos

George Harrison for "Crackerbox Palace" - George Harrison / Youtube

George Harrison is known to be a very transcendental man, and he doesn’t shy away from giving his knowledge to everyone who’s willing to listen. His love for God and all creatures made him the very man that he was, and inspired millions of people to submit and explore themselves with the reflective eyes of prayer and meditation.

In this one clip where he’s at his best self, he explained the importance and the purpose of life. In the world where everything is so confusing, so exhausting, and perplexing, it’s nice to take a break and reflect what your purpose in life is. Harrison mentions Bob Dylan’s quote that says, “he’s not busy being born, he was busy dying,” and fathoms why people have a hard time knowing and identifying the cause of death, when, in fact, that’s the only purpose in life.

Our physical bodies are nothing but a sap to our very own big tree. That sap determines the outcome of our tree, whether it manifests the good or the bad. It is up to us to determine how to tap that level of consciousness that’s always been there, and that everything that our physical bodies crave (wealth, fame) is nothing more of a second level. That is something worth thinking about.

You can watch and learn with how well George explains the purpose of life here.