She Completely Owned ‘Highway Star’ Guitar Cover Solo

She Completely Owned ‘Highway Star’ Guitar Cover Solo | I Love Classic Rock Videos

Girl Playing Highway Star Guitar Solo- Giulia Marta Vallar /YouTube

In for a cool cover of Ritchie Blackmore’s guitar solo in “Highway Star”?

Giulia Marta Vallar proved to everybody that it only takes mastery of playing the guitar for you to copy the iconic guitar solo from Deep Purple’s lead guitarist. Dressed with nothing but her undergarments, her ensemble, as well as her background, accentuate the overall vibe of living inside an 80’s-inspired scenario.

Her amazing fretwork and her deeply subdued self stemming out of the song makes the cover so aesthetically pleasing to hear, even if you’re no fan of it. She shone the brightest when she gave the perfect timing of riffs just like how Blackmore did it on the narrowing end of the part.

Watch and be amazed at her skills on this video here.