Bono Release Song For People Of Italy

Bono Release Song For People Of Italy | I Love Classic Rock Videos

U2 live in 2017 - BBC Music / Youtube

Bono took over his band U2’s Instagram page to post a piano ballad that he wrote for the people of Italy.

He put up the caption: “For the Italians who inspired it, for the Irish… for ANYONE who this St. Patrick’s day is in a tight spot and still singing. For the doctors, nurses, carers on the frontline, it’s you we’re singing to.” The frontman was filming from his Ireland home, and had a little introduction before starting the song. “A little postcard from Dublin,” he said. “On this St. Patrick’s Day, a little tune made up here about an hour ago. I think it’s called ‘Let Your Love Be Known.’”

“I walk through the streets of Dublin and no one was near, Yes, I don’t know you/No I didn’t think I didn’t care/You live so very far away/Just across the square/You can’t touch, but you can sing across rooftops/Sing on the phone/Sing and promise me you won’t stop/Sing your love be known,” Bono sings.

This song was inspired by the video of Italians singing from their balcony amidst the nationwide lockdown. Italy has had over 2,500 deaths from the virus despite extreme measures taken, explaining the said lockdown.