The Intelligent Way Why George Harrison Titled His Last Album ‘Brainwashed’

The Intelligent Way Why George Harrison Titled His Last Album ‘Brainwashed’ | I Love Classic Rock Videos

via Constantino / YouTube

Imagine George Harrison, the quiet Beatle known for his introspective lyrics and spiritual leanings. Now picture him dropping the bombastic title Brainwashed on his final album. It’s a jarring image, right?

Accusing someone of being brainwashed is a serious charge. It implies a complete lack of free will, a mind molded by external forces. This bold choice from a musician who typically preached peace and love screams for an explanation.

Thankfully, a fellow musician from their British Invasion heyday sheds some light. According to this source, the title Brainwashed connects directly to George’s lifelong exploration of spirituality. Could it be that Brainwashed isn’t an attack on others, but rather a deeply personal reflection on the journey of self-discovery through faith?

Donovan on Shared Beliefs with George Harrison

George Harrison and psychedelic folk icon Donovan were two kindred spirits who rose to fame during the 1960s counterculture movement. Both were folk-rockers who explored themes of spirituality in their music.

While George often drew inspiration from his Hindu faith, Donovan tackled broader New Age concepts like Atlantis and witchcraft. Their shared interests extended beyond music; they were both passionate environmentalists.

In a 2018 interview with Goldmine magazine, Donovan, known for his hit song “Mellow Yellow”, discussed his and George’s shared concerns about the planet and the influence of the older generation. He mentioned the books they read together that spoke to the destruction of the environment and the manipulative tactics used to keep younger generations on a materialistic path.

These shared beliefs, Donovan says, heavily influenced their music. George, in particular, channeled this frustration into his music, even going so far as to title his final album Brainwashed.

Donovan on The Hidden Knowledge

Donovan believed a powerful force was obstructing the path to knowledge he and George were on. “These books were hidden in the West,” he said. “They were not available.”

He elaborated on why this might be the case: “The reason why this kind of teaching was lost in the West, buried, hidden, gone underground, was because of the enormous job that the new religion called Christianity had done for well over a thousand years.”

Donovan went further, criticizing Christianity’s historical treatment of those deemed “witches” as evidence of its suppression tactics.

He concluded that only Eastern literature and mind-altering substances offered a gateway to the inner world, implying that Western religion stood in the way of this spiritual exploration.

An Unfinished Symphony of a Spiritual Seeker

Fate tragically cut short George Harrison’s work on his final album, Brainwashed, in 2001. To honor his vision, his son Dhani and musical partner Jeff Lynne stepped in to complete it. Their mission? Preserve George’s distinct sound, ensuring Brainwashed remained unmistakably his own.

The album delves deeply into George’s spiritual journey. Tracks like “P2 Vatican Blues (Last Saturday Night)” reveal a critical eye toward organized religion, specifically the Catholic Church. The inclusion of the traditional “Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea” becomes a fascinating puzzle piece within this context, possibly hinting at an internal spiritual conflict.

Brainwashed showcases a more nuanced side of George’s spirituality. Here, his trademark hippie spirit takes on a sharper edge, unafraid to challenge and question established beliefs. It’s a testament to the unfinished symphony of a seeker constantly evolving on his spiritual path.