Watch How David Gilmour Evolved As A Guitarist

Watch How David Gilmour Evolved As A Guitarist | I Love Classic Rock Videos

David Gilmour's guitar auction promotional video - David Gilmour / Youtube

While we look and ponder on who’s the greatest guitarist ever known to man, we are often presented with names of Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, and more. While it’s true that these guys were indeed a cut above the rest, one man proved to everyone that to master the skills of guitar, you don’t need to become a prodigy for that. That man is Pink Floyd’s best, David Gilmour.

David Gilmour was the sole replacement to Syd Barrett, a musician who fell through the traps of wicked drugs. It not only destroyed his mental state and health, but also jeopardized his career. But Pink Floyd wasn’t the one who give up and go. They needed to rise high to the challenges ahead, even if it means that they needed to continue all on their own.

Upon Gilmour’s arrival, he becomes the man with so much to offer for the band. He developed to be an important element to Pink Floyd’s distinct sound, gradually evolving from the psychedelic era established by Barrett. Roger Waters assumed the role as the principal songwriter, albeit Gilmour, Richard Wright, and Nick Mason also provided their own contributions to the group. Together, they broke the music scene and even snatched the title of the “greatest album of music” for their iconic LP Dark Side of The Moon. The rainbow and triangle symbol, anyone?

But he wasn’t a genius guitar player when he arrived, in fact, it took him a while to finally show his real talent. Inside the video below presented, we’ll look back at the moments where Gilmour progressively established himself to be one of rock’s greatest guitarists of all.

Check it out now.