5 Awesome Sammy Hagar Moments

Only One Way To Rock

Sammy Hagar – the man with one of the best voices in rock. He gets so much hate which he doesn’t deserve and even minus his stint with Van Halen, he’s built a pretty solid reputation as a singer and performer. He found success by joining bands like Montrose and VH but he also managed to carve a legendary solo career.

Always full of energy, Sammy Hagar isn’t here to please EVERYBODY because clearly, he just wants to rock. And we love him for it. As The Red Rocker recently turned 70, we rounded up some of his finest musical moments as a rockstar although truth be told, it’s harder than it looks because he thrived on stage.

5. “Right Now” (1991)

Love him or hate him, we have to acknowledge that this is one phenomenal song. We love the message and we love Hagar’s vocal delivery which only goes to show no one should take him lightly. He killed it and while we absolutely adore Joe Cocker (who Eddie Van Halen revealed was originally slated to sing this), we can’t imagine anyone else belting it out except Hagar.

“I was tired of writing cheap sex songs. Eddie and I wanted to get serious and talk about world issues.” – Sammy Hagar

The music video’s just as good although Hagar initially opposed the idea of putting subtitles or texts on the footage background. He thought “People ain’t even going to be listening to what I’m saying” but he’s wrong obviously.

He shined in this song and even if it was regularly used by various political candidates, it still doesn’t make us like it any less.

4. “I’ve Done Everything For You” (1978)

We’ll skip the whole “Who did it better – Sammy Hagar or Rick Springfield” because that gets tedious over time. Instead, can we all just stop to appreciate how stellar this sounds? Hagar sure is a big ball of energy – even until now. We want whatever coffee he’s drinking or if he can share his secret, we’d be forever grateful.

Anyway, Hagar wrote and originally recorded this song but Springfield covered it three years after it was first released.

“The best part is that you get to live your dream. The only downside – maybe – is that someday you’re not as relevant as you were.” – Sammy Hagar on “Success”

It may not have made it to the chart but we’d be lying if we say this isn’t among Hagar’s best songs. Besides, it became a staple in his repertoire because as you probably already know, it’s a fan favorite. And well, we can listen to it all day long.

3. “There’s Only One Way To Rock” (1981)

To anyone who doesn’t like this track –we’d like to talk to them and personally ask what’s wrong and if they need to have their hearing fixed. This is why big speakers are made – because you can’t fully appreciate the song unless you have the volume on max and with Sammy Hagar practically screaming in your ears.

It’s a timeless classic that reminds us why classic rock won’t die – there’s just nothing quite like it and many may try but there’s no way you can duplicate this kind of greatness.

Fun Fact: “There’s Only One Way To Rock” is from the 1982 album “Standing Hampton” which is basically a slang for erection. And so if you didn’t know this, then now you’ll understand the cover artwork.

Hagar also performed this during live shows with Van Halen complete with a guitar duel of course. He has numerous classics but this one is easily one of the best.

2. Eagles Fly (1987)

Anyone who wonders why Sammy Hagar was recruited to join Valen only has to listen to this song. He has an incredible vocal range, that’s a given, but another reason why he’s often regarded as among the best in the business is the fact that his live performances sound almost the same (or sometimes even better) than the studio version. That’s quite rare, to be honest.

“People that get too caught up in the fame and fortune thing think they’re better than other people. They think they’re better than the people where they came from.” – Sammy Hagar

Is he a better singer than David Lee Roth? Well that’s kind of subjective and mostly a matter of taste. But even at 70, Hagar still has it and can perform with the best of them.

The Red Rocker moniker suits him perfectly – he knows how to rock and does it really well too.

1. “I Can’t Drive 55” (1984) – Live performance during Japan Tour in 1989

It’s the career-defining classic tune – if we had to name only one Sammy Hagar song, it would be this. It’s the pinnacle of his musical brilliance. And as you probably already know, the title is a reference to the US National Maximum Speed Law which was originally at 55 miles per hour.

While everyone else supported other causes, Hagar’s then-biggest concern was the limit because well, the guy likes speeding a little too much.

“Cop stopped me for doing 62 on a four lane road when there was no one else in sight. Then the guy gave me a ticket. I was doing 62. And he said, ‘We give tickets around here for over-60.’ and I said, ‘I can’t drive 55.’ I grabbed a paper and a pen, and I swear the guy was writing the ticket and I was writing the lyrics.” – Sammy Hagar

It has become his signature song especially during his time with Van Halen. And you haven’t lived if you haven’t seen him perform this live.